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Ilysa's Story: A Quadruple Amputee Reclaims Her Life

llysa Winick is the mother of boys 8 and 6 and founder with her husband Steven Winick of Reade Street Prep in Tribeca. Against all odds she is winning her battle for a normal life after suffering a near-fatal blood infection in June 2016 that led to the amputation of her hands and feet. It also left her with end-stage renal failure, which required dialysis five days a week. A kidney transplant last August, the gift of a stranger now friend, Catriona Ni Aolain, freed Ilysa from the treatment and from the fatigue, sickness and countless hours that went with it.

Over the course of about a year, I periodically met with Ilysa and Steven to record, in interviews, video and photographs, the Winick family’s story as Ilysa reclaimed her life as a mother, wife and business owner. It is the story of extraordinary strength and determination in the face of challenges that cannot be imagined, and it begins on June 14, 2016. — Carl Glassman


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